Prediction for India of the day

@ “Lord of the ordinance is Jupiter and is giving aspect to legalize some activity of the politicians, which may affect government in the long run.” On date Mr. Rahul Gandhi VP Congress (Ruling party) had given one statement opposing Ordinance pending with President of India, read @ Certainly as predicted “Lord of the ordinance is Jupiter and is giving aspect to legalize some activity of the politicians, which may affect government in the long run.”  Government and PM of India is affected by his/their own Party VP.

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Uncomfortable period internationally

Daily Forecast India – September 27th, 2013 Uncomfortable period internationally 8 out of 9 planets are connected with Rahu – Saturn conjunction, certainly it will give impact on harmony among public (globally). It’s not a comfortable period for many of the countries. Natural calamities, man-made calamities or any disastrous activity by human being which may later on show impact of poisonous activity etc. or some disease may break out in India. Impact of government’s act related to some international reasons may hurt sentiment of the nation; Ketu is placed in the house of foreign lands and is transiting through the Nakshtra of leader/government of the nation, which is placed in the conjunction of Saturn and Rahu. Lord of the ordinance is Jupiter and is giving aspect to legalize some activity of the politicians, which may affect government in the long run. Border related activities as mentioned in my earlier post on regular basis – may continue. Infiltration and exchange of heavy firing is not ruled out. National debt position is not under control; impact can be seen in inflation. Due to elections, we may see some price check of eatables incoming days but this situation may further deteriorate after that period.

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New announcements for the employees is expected soon

Daily Forecast India – September 26th, 2013 New announcements for the employees is expected soon Government may come up with some new laws or announce related to insurance, provident funds or such related schemes etc. If government will announce further hike in petroleum related products or anything related to petroleum, with in next 72 Hrs. then it will not be a matter of surprise for me. Government may use some hidden methods to check political parties. Foreign related matter may affect our security of documentation, and probably may hurt from web area/cyber area, because Mars lord of foreign lands is placed in the house of communication, cyber, IT, media or related field may harm area of documentation. Exchange of fire, arms and ammunition, terrorist activities or equivalent activities (may be related to foreign lands) may harm public and nation. Although Vigilance is keeping a watch on such activity, but possibilities are strong. Some pact with foreign lands may be in the news soon, but that may affect common man and may affect image of leader of the nation.

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Possibility of calamities & New issues related to Documentation

Daily Forecast India – September 25th, 2013 Possibility of calamities & New issues related to Documentation Ascendant lord is in conjunction with Saturn and Rahu as well with the lord of public/political persons, indicating that government will try to do something (may be bills or ordinance) related to check judiciary, public may adversely be betrayed for the sake of politicians. Government may also introduce some law or may act for the appeasement of certain people, which may be harmful for the long run of the nation.

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Be watchful while giving statements related to national interest

Daily Forecast India – September 24th, 2013 Be watchful while giving statements related to national interest Moon is transiting from ascendant of natal chart of India and in exalted sign. Whereas ascendant lord is afflicted because of Saturn-Rahu conjunction and aspect from Mars and eighth house lord Jupiter. These positions are indicating that Government or leader of the nation is not in a comfortable position.

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Low phase of Economy

Daily Forecast India – September 23rd, 2013 Low phase of Economy Seven Planets are directly or indirectly connected with Rahu, ascendant lord and Saturn, these planets are influencing sixth house of the natal chart of India. Saturn and Rahu are now increasing their distances, so malefic effect of closeness of Saturn and Rahu will start reducing. This will affect inflation, national debts, Public distribution system, storage of food, scams, downfall in production and insecurity among workers or employees.

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Tough time ahead

Daily Forecast India – September 20th, 2013 Tough time ahead 7 planets are linked directly or indirectly with Rahu. So, influence of Rahu, Saturn and sixth house will be in the current period. Rahu is known for poisonous/poison etc. and create poison among the harmony, food, environment and industrial segment. If we see in larger scenario that it may harm our social harmony, since ascendant lord is involved, this indicates that Leader of the nation may spoil his credibility further or losing his faith or creating problems for the mass. Public distribution system can give some burning issues in coming days.

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Terrorist activities | Equally Harming activities & Vigilance

Daily Forecast India – September 18th, 2013 Terrorist activities | Equally Harming activities & Vigilance Seven planets are affecting house of national debt, inflation, public distribution system disturbance, riots, terrorist activities, and issues related to medical facilities etc. Issues may also hurt nation due to storage system of food grains or eatables and scams etc.

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