The 27 Birth Yogas

The 27 Birth Yogas 1. Vishkumbh Yoga : Though astrology considers it inauspicious but natives born in this yoga may possess best qualities and good fortune. They are usually very beautiful and intelligent. They do not have to face any financial problems as they are financially secure. Their birth yoga favours a happy family life. Not only this, the natives can easily influence people with their personality and have a big social circle. This yoga makes the natives very intelligent. 2. Preeti Yoga : The name itself indicates that its natives will be lively, inquisitive and work in a sporty spirit. They are beauty worshipers. This yoga creates in them a leaning towards the opposite sex and they develop good relationship with them. They are clever and know how to achieve success in life. 3. Ayushman Yoga : As the name of the yoga suggests that native of this yoga will have a long life that means he will taste the happiness of life for a longer period in comparison to others. They are very fond of poetry and music. They are born with wealth and do not face financial problems. They are physically strong and in a combat they have the capability to defeat enemies. 4. Saubhagya Yoga : Native who is born with this yoga truly carries the meaning of this yoga’s name. That means they are amazingly fortunate. People praise their qualities as they have various inborn […]

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Astrology : Query by V, from unknown place

V Very nice question. Taurus ascendant, Jupiter is enjoying lordship of eighth house as well eleventh house too. Eleventh house is also a part of Trik Bhav. So, for this ascendant, Jupiter will give for MoolTrikone sign ie. Sagittarius (eighth house) first, and eleventh house affects will also be not so good. Impact of eighth house lordship is very strong, provided second lordship is of Auspicious house. Jupiter is always Badhak for Taurus ascendant (basic rule of Vedic astrology).

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Different Planets in Tenth House

Different Planets in Tenth House Sun Sun in tenth house indicates that Direction force of Sun is full. So, is good for the success in profession and business. Sun is a natural cruel planet, so can give separation with parents. Since, tenth house is sixth house from fifth house, so it’s not a good position for the children if malefic planets are placed here. Sun is strong – in exalted sign or in own sign, this position indicates – god for fame, prosperity, wealth, education and honour etc. natal will be brave and kind hearted and may have fondness for music and art etc. Natal will have responsibilities and self-respect. Moon Moon placed in tenth house indicates – Natal will enjoy success in his/her life and profession. Natal will be engaged in good deeds and exceptional personality. Normally travels a lot, particularly when Moon is in movable sign. Natal will enjoy helping others and religious activities. Native will be a wealthy and brave person. According to Varahmihir, placement of Moon in this house indicates – success, kind hearted, wealthy and brave person. Well placed Moon in tenth house indicates – well known personality in society, popular and exceptional. . Normally such natal will travel a lot and may be touring foreign lands. Afflicted Moon in tenth house indicates cough problem and cold related issues. Malefic planets will indicate – obstacles in business and possibility of defame. Mars Mars enjoys directional […]

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Tenth House Lord in Various Houses

Tenth House Lord in Various Houses Tenth house lord with the houses or lords of third, sixth and eleventh house indicates – combination of Upchay house. Native will rise, even though malefic planets, natal will rise may be with his/her efforts. This house indicates – Profession, gains from ruler or employer, authority and power of natal. Tenth house is a Strong house of Kendra. Tenth house lord in First house (Ascendant) Tenth house lord in this position indicates – Natal will be intelligent, poetic by nature (possibly), wealthy and in his/her childhood day’s possibility of poor health, but later on will enjoy sound health. Natal will work sincerely, and achieve heights with own efforts. Can do own business or profession or will enjoy high position. Tenth house lord conjunct with ascendant lord in ascendant indicates – Natal will be very famous and possibility of relationship with great research or invention. Linkage with 6th, 8th or 12th house indicates that natal may be cunning, shrewd and cheat. Tenth House Lord in Second House Dhanyog

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Tenth House (House of Profession, Karma, Honour, Respect and Fame etc.)

Tenth House (House of Profession, Karma, Honour, Respect and Fame etc.) Tenth house of the Horoscope is for Karma. Followings are considered from this house: Career, Source of living and Profession Position, Power and Leadership Fame Honour by ruler (government/employer) and Position Pilgrimage Celebrity status and Responsibilities (Professionally) According to Uttarkalamrit, followings are considered from tenth house Work related to Government or work with authorities Teacher Recommendable religious work Medicines Thighs Gazetted officer Influence and self-control Step son/daughter Quality of sleep To check the longevity of father, one must see tenth house. Significant planets for tenth house – Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury

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Different (Various) Planets in Ninth House

Different Planets in Ninth House Sun Well placed Sun in this house gives conscientious children/son, whose inclination is based on religious values. Natal will enjoy good and happiness from his/her children. But affliction due to conjunction with Moon or Venus may give issues related to eyes or government. Moon Natal may be Wealthy, kind hearted, full of love, loves reading, higher education, full of humanities, well known personality, charming, attractive, popular and enjoys many fans. Natal will enjoy success since birth. Native will have very good spouse, obedient son, wealth, good deeds and will enjoy travel to pilgrims or other religious places. Natal will always be ready to do charity, religious, educated and may build temple or religious place. He/she will travel abroad. Natal whose Moon is placed in watery or fire sign will be a publisher or writer. Afflicted Moon will indicate – less fortunate, foolish by nature and characterless. Mars Natal will be kind hearted, famous, wealthy and enjoys power. If Mars is in exalted sign or own sign or placed with auspicious planets then natal will be high spirited, fortunate and bold while giving statements. Such natal will not follow stereo typed thoughts or thoughts without testing them according to the present circumstances. Mars placed in ninth house and in own sign forms a Rajyog. Natal enjoys support from ruler or government, and enjoys wealth and well known status. Although Mars is a malefic planet and any […]

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जिनके घरों में अक्सर बिना बात कल्हे / बे बात कहा सुनी होती रहती हे —–वे गुरुवार के दिन -एक मूठी गुड , एक मूठी नमक , एक मूठी गेहूं , दो ताम्बे के सिक्के , सफ़ेद कपडे में बांधकर घर में रखें

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Ninth House Lord in Various Houses

Ninth House Lord in Various Houses Ninth House Lord in First House Ninth house lord in ascendant (first house) – this position indicates, trine lord in centre. Great Rajyog. Strength of this Rajyog depends on the strength of ninth house lord. This combination will indicate that natal will be fortunate, religious, attractive personality, educated and well-known personality. This combination in female indicates – great house wife or house maker. If ninth house lord is placed with ascendant lord then this position indicates – wealth and all type of facilities. Combination with auspicious planets will indicate highly positioned government job with power. Natal may enjoy paternal property along with own earned property. Natal may enjoy fame, and will have kind heart and powerful position. But weak or navamansha of ninth house lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house, then natal may financially suffer and may have to live in poverty. Ninth house lord with Rahu can give service under foreign ruler (foreign companies). Conjunction with Mars may give the job in Police or defence services. Ninth House Lord in Second House Strong ninth house lord indicates – knowledgeable, wealthy and dear to all. Natal will enjoy all facilities, happiness from spouse and children. Conjunction with second house lord gives highly successful family business. Natal will enjoy well established life and good life style and food. But affliction or conjunction with malefic planets or with eighth house lord indicates – […]

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Ninth House (House of Religion, Father, Fortune and Long Travel etc.)

Ninth House (House of Religion, Father, Fortune and Long Travel etc.) Ninth house is also as – house of fate and house of religion etc. Normally we consider followings from Ninth House – Fate, fortune and Enrichment Ethic, Teacher and Preacher etc. Father and Grandson (previously father was a teacher of his son, so was considered from this house) but while considering father, we must consider Tenth house also, because this house is seventh from fourth (house of mother). Inner knowledge, intuition and consideration of future. Religion, religious place, worship, worship place and kindness Leadership, Fame and Charity Spiritual and Mystical knowledge Long travels and Foreign trips Imaginative strength Higher education, research etc. Knee region of human body

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