Query by Neeraj Sharma, from Hissar (India)

Name : Neeraj Sharma
Time of Birth : 23:05 hrs (IST)
Place of Birth : Hissar (India)
1. When shall I get a new Job OR a promotion in current job
2. When Shall I get my second baby.

Only one query on free service.
I am sure you must have read norms of free service.
According to Vedic astrology my observations are as follows:
1. Virgo ascendant and lord Mercury is placed in trine with Mahadasha lord Venus (Retrograde and Combust).
2. You are passing through Mahadasha of Venus (Retro and combust), anterdasah of Rahu and Pratyanter of Saturn till June 2013.
Possibilities of Job with new profile may come after June 2013.

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