Astrology Prediction : Query by Janis Jandavs, from Dobele (Latvia)

Name : Janis Jandavs
Date of Birth : 25-01-1991
Time of Birth : 14:05 Hrs (LST)
Place of Birth : Dobele (Latvia)
Query : Now I am without a job and going to move to foreign country. What kind of job I should looking for, or maybe I shouldn’t move?

Janis Jandavs,
According to Vedic astrology my observations are as follows:
1. Gemini ascendant (whole sign basis) and lord Mercury is placed in the house of import-export or foreign linked profession or in the house of spouse and indicates that you will be rising or adopting a Profession linked with foreign lands. Mars lord of Gains is afflicting ascendant lord from the house of foreign lands, indicating connectivity from foreign lands.
2. Gains are in profession land and finance also in foreign land, now profession lord is Jupiter in exalted sign forming great Yog for finance, but afflicted by Saturn placed with North Node (Rahu) and Sun in the house of uncertainty. Indicating flow of income and profession is not fixed – floating or quick changes and can be contractual or free lancer type of profession, lord of profession is giving aspect and strength to the house of profession (own house) indicates career will be great but with some ups and downs.
3.conjunction of Ketu (South Node) indicates language, Venus in the house of fortune and education is indicating related with computer and Saturn is exchanging aspect with Ketu means technical or software related profession. Or some writing with software or some thing related with computer will be comfortable for you.
4. Saturn is giving aspect on house of profession, is confirming contractual job or free lancer or quick changes + analytic or research type etc.
Since it’s a free service so I had not tested D-10 (Dashmansha chart) – specific chart for profession.
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