Astrology Prediction : Query by Kaung Khant Aye, from Yangon, (Myanmar)

Name: Kaung Khant Aye
Date of Birth : 07-08-1994
Time of Birth : 19:02 Hrs (LST)
Place of Birth : Yangon, (Myanmar)
Query: I need to know about my birth Chart horoscope, can I get married or do I have no marriage yoga or something??

Kaung Khant Aye,
According to Vedic Astrology my observations are as follows:

1. Aquarius Ascendant (whole sign basis), and lord Saturn is retrograde and placed in own house of ascendant, and afflicting the house of marriage by your own approach, thinking etc.
2. Lord of marriage Sun is in the closest degrees of Moon, despite of your birth on first day of Shukla Paksha first day of the Lunar calendar month and fortnight (paksha), in the house of disturbance. Natural signifier of marriage Jupiter and Venus both are afflicted.
3. Delay in marriage is possible. I will not say denial yoga for the marriage, but complications are possible before or after marriage.

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