Astrology Prediction : Query by Dasari Raghuveer Rutvick, from Rajahmundry (India)

Name : Dasari Raghuveer Rutvick
Date of Birth : 10-01-1986
Time of Birth : 14:20 Hrs (IST)
Place of Birth : Rajahmundry, A.P (India)
Query : Hi. I am currently facing problems in finance .I am looking fr job change or moving to other country.can u please tell me when can I get a job ?

Dasari Raghuveer Rutvick,
According to Vedic Astrology my observations are as follows:
1. Taurus ascendant and lord Venus is in the house of longevity, indicating improvement in longevity, from the basic levels, but this lord is close to total combustion.
2. You are passing through Mahadsaha of Rahu, which is in the house of expenses, health and bedroom related issues, this may disturb your sleep, health issues (possibly) or unnecessary expenses or losses etc. or interest burden (now a days to consider). Anterdasha is Mercury, which is not placed nicely, but may give financial gains during this period, may be unexpected or because of your past karmas/investments or anything. It will be better to invest in your Insurance schemes, and also consider for better returns (plans accordingly).
3. Regarding change of job, you can try, but do not leave the job unless, you get something concrete in your hands, if you go for a change then can look for a jump. But DO NOT LEAVE JOB WITHOUT HAVING ANY CONFIRMED LETTER/DOCUMENT. Chances of change is possible.


    • Rutvick,
      In case ascendant is changing, then there will be great impact. As in your case, there may be difference of Dashas, which may give impact for two to two and half months. Secondly, divisional charts will be different, so many results can be different.

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