Astrology Prediction : Query by Moushmi Sharma, from Roorkee (India)

Name :Moushmi Sharma
Date of Birth : 30-09-1997
Time of Birth : 08:35 Hrs (IST)
Place of Birth : Roorkee (India)
Query : Sir I want to know whether I continue my CA course study or quit it. To go for MBA.

Moushmi Sharma,
According to Vedic astrology my observations are as follows:
1. Libra ascendant and lord Venus is in own house and sign, in paapkartari yog. That’s why you expect that others should work for you on your one instruction or wish, but are you ready to do like this? Please check your attitude. You are creative, charming but harsh in attitude and conversation.
2. Moon is defeated with Rahu in planetary war, that’s why you are confused and confused in expectation and working. But expect that other person should work for you immediately, that’s not suitable.
3. Mahadasha of Mars and anterdasha of Mercury indicates your distraction from current position, so it will be better to opt for Management. But behaviour will be key for success in career.


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