Astrology Prediction : Query by Nikita P, from New Delhi (India)

Name : Nikita P
Date of Birth : 30-10-1988
Time of Birth : 11:30 Hrs (IST)
Place of Birth : New Delhi (India)
Query : please tell career line and status in life for this native. till date she has no job (trying for govt job) and no marriage.
(Career study and status study is not possible for life on the free service platform.)

Nikita P,
According to Vedic astrology my observations are as follows:
1. Sagittarius ascendant and lord Jupiter is placed in the bhagya house of profession, giving aspect on the house of profession. Ascendant has Saturn, again giving aspect on the house of profession.
2. Currently you are passing through Mahadasha of Saturn and anterdasha of Venus both are well linked with finance and profession, can give job opportunity. If you want to have a job, then try and avail, period for job opportunity is running.
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