Astrology Prediction : Query by Arvind, from Mumbai (India)

Name : Arvind Date of Birth : 03-04-1972 Time of Birth : 10:10 Hrs (IST) Place of Birth : Mumbai (India) Query : Dear Sir, I have been going through Sade Sati middle phase and this period is torturing me because of my worries about my career prospects. I am unable to find a job during this period. Moreover I have lot of confusion these days about starting a business of my own or concentrate on job search. Sometimes I plan to go to india but the very next day drop the idea. I haven’t had so much of confusion in my life before. I would like to know when will I find a job or should I start a business of my own after sade sati period is over ? or shall we pack our bags and move to india for good. Arvind, According to Vedic astrology my observations are as follows:

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