Astrology Prediction : Query by Hiren, from Deesa (India)

Name : Hiren
Date of Birth : 26-05-1982
Time of Birth : 18:15:10 Hrs (IST)
Place of Birth : Deesa (Gujarat)
Query : Pls let me know whether I could settle down in abroad or have any chances of getting earning from foreign land?

According to Vedic astrology my observations are as follows:
1. Libra ascendant and lord Venus is in the house of spouse, exchanging aspect with Jupiter retrograde, indicating your nature to observe minutely and then criticize them, if it is then check it. If Lust in in your nature then control it or if it is a nature of saint then be normal.
2. I agree that you will not live happily in India, but point is that if you are living or will live in foreign lands – will you be happy or not (this point is more important) because conjunction of Mars and Saturn are indicating that possibility of some injury or surgery or stitches in your left eye region. If it had happened then no issues, otherwise take care.
3. You are asking for income from foreign lands, my suggestion is to check your unnecessary expenses. Your wrong deeds may put you in trouble too. Please check it.
4. Chances of living in foreign lands or hospital are there.

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