Second House Lord in different houses

Second Lord in different houses Second Lord in first house: Strong second lord placed in asc., indicates that natal will earn money with his/her own efforts. But will be known as rich person and will be a good looking person. But if second lord is weak then indications will be reverse. Second Lord in second house: If second lord is in good position, means not afflicted and good combination, then it’s a good position for money-assets-property etc. But afflicted second lord can create complications with father and spouse. Malefic planets in second house can give education in science related subjects, technical. If this is in good position, then these planets can give good education in the related field, and natal may earn from the related field. Second Lord in third house: Second Lord in good position- natal will make money through music, art, hobbies, drama or with the help of siblings. But afflicted second lord will indicate that natal may lose money due to above reasons. Such natal will not have good nature, always fighting with others, arrogant. Second Lord in fourth House: Relationship of money with happiness, agriculture, mother, vehicles, inherited property and will earn education with the help of money or can earn money from education. Normally such natal is kind hearted and speak truth. But malefic effects will negate above mentioned and if second lord in fourth house is in debli sign indicates loss in property. If […]

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