Astrology Prediction : Query by Damanpreet, from Ambala cantt. (India)

Name : Damanpreet
Date of Birth : 13-08-1969
Time of Birth : 22:30 Hrs (IST)
Place of Birth : Ambala Cantt. (India)
Query : My niece on Saturday died in a car crash in the USA.what were the indication of this misjap in my kundli? thanks

According to Vedic astrology, and study of birth chart and Dreshkana chart (chart related to siblings) my observation are as follows:
1. According to birth chart, you were born in Aries sign rising and debilitated Saturn is ruling the ascendant, afflicting natural house of sibling and lord of children/Child. Dreshkana chart it is Leo sign ascendant and Moon with Saturn are in the ascendant, again Saturn is afflicting house of sibling(s) and lord of sibling, here this Saturn is lord of child/children of sibling(s).
2. On Last Saturday, ie. 10-07-2021 (DD/MM/YYYY), dasha cycle was Rahu/Jup/Sat/Rahu/Mars, out of this two planets are indicating movements (Rahu and Venus which is in the house of travels/movement), both are afflicted by Mars, Venus afflicted by Saturn. Confirming some thing negative related to movements for the child/children of sibling(s).
This is the relationship with the “ARISHT” related to your niece.
If horoscope is correct, such incidents will reflect, but confirmation is always done by the concern natal’s chart.


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