Vedic Astrology : Transit of Jupiter in Aquarius sign on April 6th, 2021 at 00:21 Hrs (IST), Impact on India

Transit of Jupiter in Aquarius sign on April 6th, 2021 at 00:21 Hrs (IST), Impact on India

Retrograde Jupiter from June 21st, 2021

and back to Capricorn on September 14th, 2021

This transit of Jupiter is for short period and will be back in Capricorn on September 14th, 2021 at 14:22 Hrs (IST). This Jupiter will start transiting retrograde in Aquarius sign on June 21st, 2021.

In India’s Horoscope this will start transiting in the house of karma, influencing house of finance, states, economy, share market’s movements, purchasing capacity of layman, possibly, this period may influence economy of industries also, because of buying capacity of Indian nationals.

Natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, etc. Chances of such activities are possible. In some areas of country, we may see flood like situations and in some areas, possibly short of water also. Which may affect agriculture also. Satisfaction of common man, farmers and activities of opposition parties may increase.

During this period council of ministers must remain on the toes, because of health issues, related to common man. In other words, I can say that government may activate maximum of health care activities or may have to develop more health care system/centres.

Possibly reversal moves of Health-related issues can be seen from June 21st, onwards.

Globally, everyone must take necessary precautions for health-related issues.

Banks may see activities, rise in their recovery from NPAs.

I expect some better results related to the output of Council of cabinet, health related issues, financial areas, because Jupiter will be blessing from the house of Karma, export, recognition, leader of the nation may be commanding council of cabinet to resolve health, financial and agriculture related issues, possibly, during transit of Jupiter in Aquarius. Especially, issues related to farmers.

This is also fact that during this period government may go for strictness, to control Pandemic. We must cooperate with the government and find out ways to maintain our immunity levels.

Re-work/Re-thinking or some new Vaccine for COVID will not be surprising.

Regarding share market, with ups and downs, market may try to hold levels. But point of concern may be for natural calamity.

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