Astrology Prediction : Query By Ram, from Kharagpur (India)

Query By Ram, Kharagpur

Will I become IAS officer ? 

Date of Birth : 28-10-1983

Time of Birth : 18:46 Hrs (IST)

Place of Birth : Kharagpur (West Bengal-India)

  1. Taurus Asc. , Rahu is placed in Asc., and Jupiter from 7th house blessing Asc.
  2. Asc. Lord Venus is in 4th house , with 7th and 12th Lord Mars. No aspect from any soft planet, and again no aspect from any malefic planet.
  3. Asc. Lord Venus in 4th house is good yog, but defeated in Planetary war with Mars.
  4. Merc. Lord of 2nd house (house of money) and 5th house (House of education) is fully combust, (distance between Sun and Merc. Is 1deg and 23 min)
  5. Venus Lord of 6th House (competitiveness) is defeated in Planetary war with Mars.
  6. 10th Lord Saturn is in 6th house, and fully combust (distance with Sun 2 deg and 23 mins), Saturn is Yokkarak, and exalted, but physically will not be in a position of providing desired results. But, if you can use for( Sadhana) soul of Saturn, then is useful. Undoubtedly it is difficult.
  7. Jupiter, Lord of Gains, is in Rahu-ketu axis.
  8. Entire chart in Rahu-Ketu axis, commonly known as Kalsarp dosh.

Conclusion from Birth chart (D-1)

In the Month of May 2013, you will be passing through Dasha of Merc (Combust)/Rahu and Saturn (Combust)

Your Merc.  and Saturn are combust, although, Saturn is Combust. The advantage is Sun very close degree of Asc. (distance 49 mins.), so Sun can give advantage like Asc. Lord. Rahu is in Asc.  take care of your focus, preparation. And Pratyanter dasha is Saturn (Combust).

You need to work hard, on studies, focus. Moon is in 3rd house in its own sign. Courage is in watery sign, and with emotions and imagination. Be practical.

In Navmansha chart and D-10 chart Sun is in 10th house (House of profession), providing opportunity is administration, or higher position.

D-10 chart for profession

Asc. Lord is in 12th house, and Saturn aspects Asc.

Conclusion : Chances of good position, but you have to be focused, for the achievement of your goals.

You are advised :

  1. Be focused, and enjoy your studies and preparations.
  2. Be strong, and avoid emotions and imaginations.
  3. Life will start from here. It’s not the end of road. You are a product of IIT
  4. If you believe in Puja, then can do for Kalsarp dosh.
  5. Savan month – prey shivji/ or offer Milk on Shiv Ling
  6. Gayatri Mantra or Surya Namaskar
  7. Most important – Enjoy your preperations.


  1. Thank you very much Anoop Sir, for your prompt and detailed reply. I will surely work hard and enjoy my preparation in becoming IAS officer.

  2. Date of birth – 5 oct 1988
    time of birth – 2::00 pm
    place – karnal

    when will this person get married

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